About This Game Step into the shoes of Emily Meyer from Boston PD to face the mysterious case of 10 homicides. Using only your own experience and professional investigation techniques you will follow the hot trail of the serial killer known to the public as “The Guilty Man”. You are on the brink of solving this case when suddenly someone tries to derail your case.The people of Boston are shocked by the recent series of mysterious murders and you are given a task of bringing the culprit to justice as fast as possible. As the police detective Emily Meyer you are facing the task of solving the case of a mysterious “Guilty Man”. Using police techniques, you will follow the trail of the suspect while solving riddles and collecting fingerprints as well as different samples from crime scenes. When your investigation unexpectedly leads to the place between life and death, you will face the biggest challenge of your life. Will your detective skills be enough to let you survive in the afterlife? Can you solve the case? Test yourself in the world of ghosts, dark riddles, locks and enigmas. Use the help of a psychic to find your way back to the world and solve the case of the serial killer.Features Solve the case of 10 murders! Use the professional lab to track down the culprit! Face the unforgettable adventure in the afterlife! Find out if you can deal with ghosts and magic! Discover dark secrets in an extra adventure! 6d5b4406ea Title: Ghost Files: The Face of GuiltGenre: Adventure, CasualDeveloper:Brave Giant LTDPublisher:Artifex MundiRelease Date: 18 May, 2017 Ghost Files: The Face Of Guilt Hacked ghost files the face of guilt full apk. ghost files the face of guilt collector's edition walkthrough. ghost files the face of guilt download. ghost files the face of guilt. ghost files the face of guilt walkthrough. ghost files the face of guilt review. ghost files the face of guilt collector's edition. ghost files the face of guilt guide. ghost files the face of guilt collectibles. ghost files the face of guilt collectors. ghost files the face of guilt free download. ghost files the face of guilt strategy guide An okay-if-bland game that can't decide what it wants to be when it grows up.Not enough hidden object sequences to be considered a true HoG but not enough of any one other kind of mini-game to be anything else either. All the minigames took less than a couple minutes or so to complete, with out having to use hints.I found the only times I had to use the hint button was when I'd gotten turned around during one of the many back-n-forth point in the game. Of which there are too many.Normally I like the games put out by this group of people but I have to be honest and say this was not one of their better ones.Took me less than three hours to complete with no real nterest in going back in for the bonus chapter. The only reason the time went even a little Over the three was because I accidentally fell asleep while playing. Yes, it was That thrilling. =\\And yet I Still managed to get all the achievements. Go figure.. This engine has obvious limitations. All the puzzles in this game I have already played in other publications by Artifex Mundi, so they felt highly repetitive - even more so since they were also repetitive in itself, which could potentially make it just as boring for people who have not played other AM games. There isn't even a reward (achievement) for playing this title at highest difficulty or for doing the mini game instead of the HO puzzles.Also, The HO scenes didn't vary on my second playthrough, the objects needed are always the same, which only increased my boredom. The achievements were mediocre, too, the game overall posed no challenge whatsoever.The story seemed somewhat fresh at first, which got me prematurely excited, only to quickly realize that the mystery's solution was 100% stereotypical, hence obvious and predictable and void of fun. The bonus chapter was a bad joke; you don't even get to fuel the Elemental Forge with runes here, it was just a quick "clicking-through" experience with a non-existent story.Some of the voice acting (except for the main character) was quite bad and partially annoying.While the game is technically flawless and sports beautiful, athmospheric art, I overall cannot recommend it.. Was so looking forward to the theme of this game: mystery, serial killer, boston, detective etc. The game takes the usual supernatural twists, which is by the by, but ends up under-utilising the CSI elements that it introduces and ends up being too easy for its own good. The biggest crime (and I am putting my hand up to help with future releases) is the spelling mistakes which really are unacceptable in a 4-5 hr long game, especially when there is not a huge deal of text in the game. From a Tarot card achievement called the 'Whell of Fortune' to various 'i' before 'e' errors it is distracting, and not helped by the back end of the game posing not much of a challenge on expert level. I did the bonus chapter too which equally ends with a very abrupt ending and left not feeling really satisfied. If it's on sale, buy it for a very casual experience, but there are tons of other HOG's that are far more challenging and with a more engaging story than this. As much as I love hidden object games, and as much as I was excited about this game, it left me with a 'meh' feeling after I beat it. I only recommend this game if you ran out of HOGs or want to play a short one.The story was interesting, I wasn't sure about the graphics at first because it looked outdated but it got better as you progress into the game. The areas graphics and lights were great, however, the voice acting wasn't really good.http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=932223510Pros:+Good graphics.+Interesting story.+Mystery\/detective style.+Fast travel map but they prevent you from going back to the areas you've finished.+Tons of hidden objects scenes+Collectibles.+Steam achievements.Cons:-No replay value.-Very short game.-No journal.-Bad bonus chapter.I was disappointed with the bonus chapter, first because it doesn't have any achievements, so most of the achievements hunters will skip it, and the second reason that it only lasts for 15 min and it ends horribly. I can't thumb this game down although I almost was going to, it still has good things you'll enjoy if you play, just don't buy it at full price or buy it when you have other games you haven't finished.\ud835\udc39\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udc5f \ud835\udc5a\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udc5f\ud835\udc52 \ud835\udc5f\ud835\udc52\ud835\udc63\ud835\udc56\ud835\udc52\ud835\udc64\ud835\udc60 \ud835\udc50\ud835\ude29\ud835\udc52\ud835\udc50\ud835\udc58 \ud835\udc5a\ud835\udc66 \ud835\udc50\ud835\udc62\ud835\udc5f\ud835\udc4e\ud835\udc61\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udc5f \ud835\udc5d\ud835\udc4e\ud835\udc54\ud835\udc52 \ud835\udc39\ud835\udc52\ud835\udc52\ud835\udc5b\ud835\udc4e'\ud835\udc60 \ud835\udc36\ud835\ude29\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udc56\ud835\udc50\ud835\udc52. You get to play as Emily - a detective\/cop\/officer that doesn't beleive in "spiritual mumbo-jumbo." Of course, this changes because...near-death and otherwordly experiences? EH. Honestly, this game wasn't very spookernatural. Not that I really expected it to be, although, it is called "Ghost Files."If you're looking for a paranormal, spookerino, ghost-a-fied lovin' HOG - this isn't it.I truly wanted to enjoy this game. I wanted it to be one of my new favorites. However, you don't use your super handy-dandy forensic lab like I had hoped. And, even after the "otherworld" places that you go through, the main character doesn't really address any of it. In my opinion, the psychic is a random character that they threw in so they could say they had one. Overall, the plot was just about what you'd expect from an average HOG.The hidden object scenes were decent. There was a mixture of word, shadow, and picture lists (I don't know technical HOG terms even though I've played way too many). The puzzles were basic, literally the same puzzles that you can come across in every HOG. Not bad, but nothing too challenging. Also, the music was weirdly intense for some situations. It put me on edge, but nothing came of it.When loading out of hidden object scenes and cutscenes, it always froze for a few seconds before it loaded me back into the game. It froze long enough to make me wonder if it was an issue. I'm not sure if it was on my end or if it was just how the game did its thing. Thankfully, it never crashed. There were no serious bugs that kept me from getting achievements or finishing the game.I didn't dislike this game, but like I said, it's not a brand spankin' new favorite of mine. I purchased it when it was on sale, and if you're interested, I'd gently encourage you do the same.. Emily Meyer is investigating homicides and finds herself in a story of revenges. However, she experiences herself an out of the world moment and helped by a medium throughout this...Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt is telling the story of an homicide detective and ghosts. The plot is interesting but expect some twisting points. Anyway, what's interesting is the several out of the world moments, where Emily can find clues for her cases. But as high my expectations were, I was disappointed by the character herself. I don't mind middle-aged people, I'm slowly arriving to that point (though I would say that I'm still young, being 34 and half at the moment of this review). But I didn't really connect with her.The gameplay is the standard one: use items, combine them, find them, solve puzzles and clear hidden objects scenes. However, now, if you want a above average game, you need to have a little twist. Here, it's the use of forensic tools for analysing fingerprints or blood which is really nice in the real world while it's the alchemy of elements that makes the ghost world interesting.The graphics are also nice when you're in the other world: it's really dark and even a little tortured. Compared to that, the real world seems dull and sometimes, you're not even feeling that you're in contemporary setting. But well, aside from that, the rest is nice. The soundtrack is also enjoyable.I've put so much expectation in this game that I was more disappointed in it because of the lack of the connection with the main character. It's really the only downside of the game. Yet, I'm still recommending it because I still found fun for the majority of it.. I've purchased many Artifex Mundi games and have had a good experience with the games that were by Artifex Mundi, the best of which was Nightmares From The Deep 2. This game was published, but not developed, by Artifex Mundi, and due to a series of quality issues, I cannot recommend this game for purchase.Various HOPA (hidden object puzzle game) achievements are linked to clicking items accurately. In a hidden object puzzle section of a game, there's often a penalty for what are known as "misclicks", which are exactly what they sound like: what happens when you click something in the scene that doesn't fufill the puzzle requirements. For instance, if I click a bicycle, and the game isn't asking me to find a bicycle, that would count as a misclick.However, a misclick system only works when the hitboxes for the items in the game are well defined. There were many times that I wasn't credited for clicking an item in the process of playing Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt. I encountered a gamebreaking bug in the bonus chapter content that made it impossible for me to receive a puzzle item, even by clicking it, for unknown reasons. I suspect it had to do with me clicking the "hint" button during the animation in which I would've received the item, but I've never had this kind of issue in an Artifex Mundi game before.The fact that the hitboxes for items were poorly defined + I encountered a gamebreaking bug are the reasons I'm giving this game a negative review. I'd give any game with those issues a negative review.In terms of story, this is only mildly cheesy. The story is supposed to be set in Boston, and sometimes, it feels like it is (a map of Boston appears for one minigame, some of the areas look somewhat Bostonian), but most of the time, it does not. The general premise is intriguing, but too much lore is left unexplained. Various supernatural elements and terms are introduced but never thoroughly explained, although that's par for the course with the Artifex Mundi cosmoverse. The most compelling part of the game is the forensics system, in which fingerpints, blood, and bullets can be collected and compared. However, the system isn't used very often, unlike the detective system found in the Enigmatis series of games.If you are looking for a detective themed HOPA, I'd recommend the Enigmatis series instead. It's also by Artifex Mundi and all three games were interesting. If you're looking for another HOPA series of any genre, I'd recommend the Nightmares From The Deep series, which is the classic Artifex Mundi series.. Another nice release from Artifex Mundi. Graphics and background score are always good quality. My only nitpick is a few misspellings here, but a good story overall. Always a pleasure playing these games! :). Game InformationGhost Files: The Face of Guilt Collector's Edition is an Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game that was developed by Brave Giant Studio and published by Artifex Mundi.Since this game is a collector's edition, it comes with extra features, that are not available in its' counterpart; the standard edition.Game VisualsI want to mentioned that the visual in the game is nicely done. The visuals can be adjusted in the game's option menu.Game AudioI want to mentioned that audio for the game is well done. Even though the audio is somewhat simplistic and repetitive. The audio can be adjusted in the game's option menu as well.GameplayThere are four different difficulty game modes to choose from: Casual; Advanced; Expert and Custom.The notebook keeps tracks of progression in the game. Such as story events and clues.There is an interactive map in the game. It allows the player to fast travel between each locations quickly without having the need to constantly backtracking. It also indicates that there are variety of tasks that can be completed at various locations within the game. The interactive map is not automatically given at the start of the game.There is no padlock feature that is available to lock the inventory panel in place to make it stationary. The inventory panel is stationary.There are some interactive items in the game. Some of these interactive items may require extra components before they can be interact with. All interactive items are marked with a symbol in one of the corners.The forensic kit is used to help the player to examine collected evidences a bit more closely.The elemental forge is only available when the player is in the astral plane. Each time the player is in the astra plane, the elemental forge, needs to be found in the hidden object scenes. The elemental forge allows the player to combine two elements together. The new element is then used to move barriers in the game.The hidden object scenes consists of the following: Find "x" amount; Shadow items and Traditional word lists. Some of these hidden object scenes may require little or no interaction. Most of the hidden object scenes can be replayed in the game's extra feature section.There is an optional mini-game: Monaco. It is only available during hidden object scenes.The puzzles are fairly easy without having the need to skip any of them. Most of the puzzles can be replayed in the game's extra feature section as well.There are three sets of collectibles in the game: Photographs; Tarot Cards and Forensic Tools. They are scattered throughout the game for the player to find.There are twenty-two different achievements that can be unlocked from playing the game. Each of these achievements does come with some requirements that needs to be completed before they can be unlocked.Since this game is a collector's edition, there is a bonus chapter, but it can be access only after the main story is completed.MiscellaneousThere are extra features in the game: Bonus Chapter; Bonus Hidden Object Scenes; Bonus Puzzles; Wallpapers; Soundtrack and Concept Art. Most of these extra features can be access only after the entire game is completed.There are five different trading cards to collect. The game only drop three of those trading cards. There are several ways to get the rest of the trading cards: Purchased from the Steam's Community Market; Trade with friends; Booster Packs and its' Booster Pack Creator.Final thoughts: I have found the game enjoyable to a certain extent. The replay value for the game is low. I would recommend this game, but not at the game's full price value.. So this is an... interesting HO game. The plot centers around a serial killer who appears to be bumping off jurors in an old case. There is also a paranormal angle, as several scenes involve you going through Limbo, the land between life and death.The minigames are fun, the plot engaging, and the HO puzzles are challenging. There are also collectibles to find.Would recommend, though waiting for a sale, might be best.
Ghost Files: The Face Of Guilt Hacked
Updated: Nov 27, 2020